Everything, but nowhere to run.
well, maybe not
Published on June 2, 2004 By pugh In Blogging
This is not like what it used to be. When I started blogging it was all good clean fun, this is more aimed. Should suit readers of Pandora
Link and others who already are familiar with my words. Hope to reach out, but it's out into blindness. OK. Who is there and how? Friendship with strangers are weird. This is no substitute.
but it'll pass, death is scary, but it is what outlines life - so we must
decide what to fill it with. hate is destructive. but in order to bulid
something up, we might need to destruct, to destroy so we can get a clear
place on which to bulid.
real ppl,with all their flaws is what one needs. nothing can grow completely
on its own. i know. so what with all this shit that life brings? in a
desperate mind little gardens grow.
But is there more to say? The answer must be yes. But there is nowhere to run.

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