Everything, but nowhere to run.
i'm back
Published on June 2, 2004 By pugh In Welcome
Yes ppl. Pugh Alby is back in blogging business. After lots of strange things happening over at my old blog host and all those bad things they did to my friend Pandora, I deleted my old blog; BARETULL. This is my new atempt at letting loose my rants. Enjoy or don't enjoy. Everyday we meet with ppl we can't stand, but we still need love. Don't think of me as a hippie, at least I am a deflowered one. I used to be a punk. I've been there, done that and bought the t-shirt. But I refuse to wear it. Still, I guess you can call me upfront. I wish you all welcome. Old and new friends.
on Jun 02, 2004
Glad you're back we missed you around the tagboard! Nice set up too.
on Jun 02, 2004
Definitely an interesting blog you have here! Thanks for stopping by mine!
on Jun 03, 2004
You're missing a tag-board dude! How's anyone supposed to say innane things that are in no way connected to your posts?!?!?
on Jun 03, 2004
Well, lim I'll try to put one up, but my posts are not connected so why should the comments be?